Friday, March 24, 2006

My first attempt at painting the house.
Christmas morning

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Andre's Upward Awards

Andre just finished another cool season with the Upward Basketball league at East Point

He had a really good time even though he had to miss some play time because of the chicken pox...ugghhhh.Here's some pictures

Andre and Coach Tom

Andre and his team signing team balls.

Andre being silly.

Andre with his award.

Daddy and Clarice looking cute at the awards ceremony.

Andre and Sidney at the awards ceremony.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Mom's going to Nicaragua

Hey there everyone. My mom is headed on a mission trip to Nicaragua. She's really excited about it. Here's a picture of the area that she's going to.

View of Tin Roof homes

Check out more information about the trip on her blog.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn't get it. 

Monday, March 06, 2006

First weekend of March and Andre, Johnathan, and I decided to check out Marineland, just south of St. Augustine. It seemed like a great idea at the time but alas...

Friday afternoon a buddy of mine from work mentioned that he was taking his daughter and couple of her friends to Marineland over the weekend. He told me that it used to be a pretty big draw ( a smaller version of SeaWorld) but had been closed some time back. They were going to have a big Grand Re-opening with admission only being a $1 per person. I thought to myself "WOW! What a great deal! Cheap fun that the kids should love. I'm there!"

So we left the house around 1:00 on Saturday afternoon. I figured even though the place closed at 4:30 pm we would still have enough time to have some fun without wearing the kids out. The Google estimated trip length was about 1 1/4 hours ( not too bad) but somehow after adding in traffic, traffic, a dang bridge and some more traffic it wound up being 3 1/2 hours!! So with us being right around the corner from the entrance, the place was already getting read to close. arghhh... But instead of flipping out (close, very close) I decided to head over to the IMAX theatre at the World of Golf.

The boys had been great during the long car trip but had finally fallen asleep. I woke them up, got some pizza, and went to see one of the coolest movies ever. It was Aliens of the Deep. Directed by James Cameron (Terminator 2, True Lies, Titanic) you get a chance to watch 4 deep water submersibles go down to almost 4000 meters. With all these freaky looking creatures you get to see it's the closest you can come to real life sci-fi. It was really fun.

So even though we had a pretty specific plan that got shredded the day wasn't ruined. The funny thing is the kids will probably remember us racing from the car to theatre long after they forget about the movie.It wound up being a pretty fun day. The boys loved it, and I mean all of us.

Here's some pics from the movie:

They had a hard time explaining what this was. Posted by Picasa

These Sea Chimneys spew water that is 750 degrees fahrenheit. Posted by Picasa

Aliens Of the Deep Poster Posted by Picasa